It can be tempting to still engage in some dieting behaviors, including tracking calories, points, etc., while working towards eating intuitively. Can we do those things and eat intuitively at the same time?
Can we consider nutrition while eating intuitively and if so what does that look like? This blog post discussed what it means to lightly hold and use our knowledge about nutrition while eating intuitively.
Valentine's Day can be a hard day to truly eat intuitively. In this post, I talk about the challenges that come up with eating today, as well as how we can manage the temptation to eat sugar without actually craving it on days like today.
What fat phobia in the media looks like and how the comments made about Lady Gaga's Super Bowl performance exemplify fat phobia.
How do we deal with diet thoughts? What tends to trigger them. I discuss what tends to cause diet thoughts and strategies for managing them.
Why is Body acceptance so important? What does true body acceptance do for us?
Rejecting the diet mentality can be the hardest part of intuitive eating. This post talks about one step I've found to be really helpful in navigating this process-making a no diet pact.
One concern that often comes up around intuitive eating is what impact it will have on our health. Can we eat intuitively and still be healthy?
It's hard to not be impacted by all the dieting messages that surround us in the new year. So what can be helpful for those of us who are trying to eat intuitively?
So many of us struggle with our relationship with our body but it doesn't have to be that way. How do we pursue a more kind and more loving relationship with our body.
What is a social media detox and how can it benefit us in our journeys towards being a more intuitive eater?
Needing more information for navigating the holidays and eating mindfully? In this post I focus on the food specific challenges with navigating the holidays in a mindful way.
Body shame-it seems to be especially prevalent this time of year so how do we handle it when it happens?
Do you struggle with eating mindfully over the holiday season? Here I offer my top 4 help tips for navigating this often stressful time of year.
How do we listen to what are bodies are trying to tell us especially when our own internal wisdom has been trumped by dieting rules.
What is body trust and how can a lack of body trust interfere with eating in a more mindful way?
What is the relationship between food and body issues and control? How do people use food as a distraction from other issues in life?
Food intolerances can be frustrating regardless but how do we deal with them in way that doesn't make us feel restricted when we are trying to eat in an intuitive way?
What does grief and loss have with intuitive eating and why is it important to allow ourselves to feel all those feelings we have around never dieting again?
Emotional eating is often seen in a negative way, but is it really always a bad thing to eat for emotional reasons?